"If you cannot see that everything Ron Paul has done in this campaign has been in the service and to the advantage of Romney - then you just don't have any political judgement..!"
Rachel Maddow Calls Out Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck as Agents of Destabilisation from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
de·sta·bi·lize (d-stb-lz)
tr.v. de·sta·bi·lized, de·sta·bi·liz·ing, de·sta·bi·liz·es
1. To upset the stability or smooth functioning of: a policy that threatens to destabilize the economy; a new weapon that threatens to destabilize nuclear deterrence.
2. To undermine the power of (a government or leader) by subversive or terrorist acts.
de·stabi·li·zation (-l-zshn) n.
1. destabilization - an event that causes a loss of equilibrium
(as of a ship or aircraft)
2. destabilization - the action of destabilizing; making something less stable
(especially of a government or country or economy)
NOTE: Maddow is not correct about all the things she implicitly mocks as nonsense.
The point of a destabilisation agency is not concerned with being correct or incorrect, factually;
When analysing the role of the messenger the goal is to critically intuit the intended message with following emphasis:
It does not matter whether the information is right or wrong - what are they trying to get you to think and how do they expect the information they present to make you feel?
Jones habitually draws conclusions and claims victory and vindication before all the evidence is in - not only does that leave his acolytes prey to falling victim to the Modified Limited Hangout artists it also ignores the fact that as a rule of thumb, you should always accustom yourself to the notion that your first impression and initial perception of any complex event, especially a political assassination or a false flag terror attack will almost always be mistaken - the Big Lie is built upon factoring in the complacency of the audience in jumping to conclusions and not examining the event more closely.
Likewise, Maddow's intent is the correct one, but her content is often faulty, the result of bad or inaccurate information.
Jon Ronson Outs Alex Jones As A Fraud from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"You're playing with fire here, Alex.... You really are..."
" The philosophical divide within the U.S. National Security establishment, especially the CIA, became quite serious in the aftermath of Watergate. To make matters worse, the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, his campaign promise to clean the "cowboy" elements out of the Central Intelligence Agency and his "human rights" policies alarmed the faction of the CIA loyal to George Bush. Bush was CIA director under Richard Nixon. Finally, the firing of CIA Director George Bush by Carter, and the subsequent "Halloween Massacre" in which Carter fired over 800 CIA covert operatives in 1977, angered the "cowboys" beyond all measure. That was Carter's October surprise, 800 firings on Halloween 1977.
Bush and his CIA coverts were well aware of the Shah's terminal cancer, unknown to President Carter. The team had an elaborate vested interest to protect. They were determined to keep Iran intact and communist-free and put George Bush in the White House.
Hence, the Islamic Fundamentalists were the only viable choice through which the Bush covert team could implement its own private foreign policy. The results: the birth of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the fall of President Carter, and the emergence of something called the "New World Order." Mansoor's documents show step-by-step events:
1. In 1974, the Shah of Iran was diagnosed with cancer.
2. In 1975, former CIA director, and the U.S. Ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms learned of the Shah's cancer through the Shah's closest confidant, General Hossein Fardoust. The Shah, Helms and Fardoust had been close personal friends since their school days together in Switzerland during the 1930s.
3. On November 4, 1976, concurrent with Jimmy Carter's election as President, CIA Director George Bush issued a secret memo to the U.S. Ambassador in Iran, Richard Helms, asking:
"Have there been any changes in the personality pattern of the Shah; what are their implication pattern for political behavior? Identification of top military officers that most likely play key roles in any transference of power if the Shah were killed...who will be the leading actors? How will the Shah's pet projects, including the economic development program, be effected by his departure?"
4. By July 1977, anticipating trouble ahead, the Bush covert team issued preliminary script for the transition of power in Iran. According to John D. Stemple, a CIA analyst and Deputy Chief Political officer of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, "A ten page analysis of the opposition written by the embassy's political section in July 1977 correctly identified Bakhiar, Bazargan, Khomeini and Behesti as major actors in the drama that begin unfolding a year later."
5. Contrary to this analysis, in August 1977, the "official wing" of the CIA fed President Carter a 60-page Study on Iran which concluded:
"The Shah will be an active participant in Iranian life well into the 1980s...and there will be no radical changes in Iranian political behavior in the near future."
6. On October 31, 1977, president Carter made good on his campaign promise to clean the "cowboys" out of the CIA. He fired over 800 covert operatives from the Agency, many of whom were loyal to George Bush. Carter's presidency split the CIA. It produced in them, among whom were "many well-trained in political warfare, a concerted will for revenge." By the end of the 1970s many of these special covert operatives had allied themselves with George Bush's candidacy, and later with Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign.
7. On November 15, the Shah of Iran visited Washington, D.C. Carter toasted his guest, "If ever there was a country which has blossomed forth under enlightened leadership, it would be the ancient empire of Persia."
8. On November 23, Ayatollah Khomeini's elder son, Haji Mustafa, died mysteriously in Najaf, Iraq. According to professor Hamid Algar, he was "assassinated by the Shah's U.S.-instituted security police SAVAK...the tragedy inflamed the public in Iran." Ayatollah Khomeini placed an advertisement in the French Newspaper Le Monde which read: "thanking people for condolences that had been sent of the murder of his son". He also "appealed to the army to liberate Iran, and to the intellectuals and all good Muslims to continue their criticism of the Shah".
9. December 31, 1977, Carter visited the Shah in Iran. He toasted the Shah for maintaining Iran as "an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world." Ironically, that so-called stability evaporated before the champagne lost its fizz.
10. On January 7, 1978, an insidious article entitled Iran and the Red and Black Colonialism, appeared in the Iranian daily newspaper Ettela'at. It castigated the exiled Khomeini, and produced a massive protest riot in the Holy City of Qum the next day. The clergy had little choice but to rally to Khomeini's defense. The Qum incident shifted many of the clergy from a position of support for the Shah's monarchy to an active opposition. That "dirty trick" perpetuated by General Fardoust was the trigger that sparked Islamic movement participating in the anti-Shah democratic Revolution. John D. Stempel, characterized Fardoust's importance to the Alliance: "it is hard to over estimated the value of having a mole in the inner circle of the Shah."
11. On February 3, a confidential communiqué from the U.S. Embassy clearly reflected the vision of the Alliance: "Though based on incomplete evidence, our best assessment to date is that the Shia Islamic movement dominated by Ayatollah Khomeini is far better organized, enlighten and able to resist Communism than its detractors would lead us to believe. It is rooted in the Iranian people more than any western ideology, including Communism."
12. April 1978, Le Monde "identified Khomeini's Liberation Movement of Iran as the most significant force in the opposition followed by the Shi'ite Islam joins the reformist of progressive critics of the Shah on the same ground. In fact, this analysis was contrary to what Mohaammad Tavassoli, leader of the Liberation Movement of Iran, expressed to John D. Stempel on August 21, 1978: "The nationalist movement in Iran lacks a popular base. The choice is between Islam and Communism...close ties between the Liberation Movement of Iran and the religious movement was necessary. Iran was becoming split by Marxist and the religious."
13. On April 26, the confidential minutes of the U. S. Embassy Country team meeting welcomed Bush, Reagan and Thatcher.
14. On May 6, Le Monde became the first western newspaper to interview Khomeini in Najaf, Iraq. Khomeini acknowledged his compatibility with the strategic imperatives of the Bush covert team, "we would not collaborate with the Marxists, even to the overthrow of the Shah."
15. The same month, Khomeini's old ally from the failed 1963 coup (that resulted in Khomeini's arrest and major uprising in June 1963 and his subsequent exile to Iraq) General Valliollah Qarani sent his emissary to meet Khomeini in Najaf. Qarani had been a major CIA asset in Iran since the 1953 coup. Seeing another chance to gain power for himself, he advised Khomeini, according to former Iranian President Abol Hassan Bani-sader:
"if you settle for the Shah's departure and don't use anti-American rhetoric, Americans are ready to take him out."
16. In August, the Bush team sent its own point man to meet the exiled Ayatollah in Najaf. Professor Richard Cottam carried excellent credentials. During the 1953 coup, he had been in charge of the CIA's Iran Desk, also, he had been in close contact with Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi in the U.S. since 1975. Curiously, he admitted to Bani-sadr in 1987, that he had not been working for the Carter Administration. Cottam's visit must have had an impact, because Iran suddenly began to experience a series of mysterious catastrophes:
In Aberdeen, Fundamentalist supporters burned down a theater killing the innocent occupants, blaming it on the SAVAK and the Shah.
There were riots in Isfahan that resulted in martial law.
On August 27, one of Khomeini's rivals among the Shia Islamic faithful outside of Iran, Ayatollah Mosa Sadr mysteriously disppeared. According to an intelligence source he was killed and buried in Libya.
17. By late August, the Shah was totally confused. U.S. Ambassador Sullivan recorded the Shah's pleadings over the outbreak of violence:
"he said the pattern was widespread and that it was like an outbreak of a sudden rash in the country...it gave evidence of sophisticated planning and was not the work of spontaneous oppositionists...the Shah presented that it was the work of foreign intrigue...this intrigue went beyond the capabilities of the Soviet KGB and must, therefore, also involve British and American CIA. The Shah went on to ask 'Why was the CIA suddenly turning against him? What had he done to deserve this sort of action from the United States?"
18. September 8, the Shah's army gunned down hundreds of demonstrators in Teheran in what became known as the "Jaleh Square Massacre".
19. On September 9, President Carter phoned the Shah to confirm his support for the Shah, a fact that enraged the Iranian population.
20. A few days later, Carter's National Security aide, Gary Sick, received a call from Richard Cottam, requesting a discrete meeting between him and Khomeini's representative in the U.S., Dr. Yazdi. Sick refused.
21. Khomeini for the first time, publicly called for the Shah's overthrow.
22. In Mid-September, at the height of the revolution, "one of the handful of Khomeini's trusted associates", Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Beheshti, secretly visited the United States among others, he also meet with Yazdi in Texas. Beheshti was an advocate of the eye-for-an-eye school of justice.
23. In early October 1978, the agent for the Bush covert team arranged to force Khomeini out of Iraq.
24. October 3, 1978, Yazdi picked up Khomeini in Iraq and headed for Kuwait. According to Gary Sick, he received an urgent call from Richard Cottam, learning for the first time that Khomeini had been forced out of Iraq. Sick was told that Khomeini and his entourage were stuck in no man's land while attempting to cross the border. Cottam was requesting White House intervention to resolve the issue. Sick respond, "there is nothing we could do".
25. October 6, Khomeini's entourage, having gotten back through Baghdad, popped up in Paris. According to Bani-sadr, "it was Khomeini who insisted on going to Paris instead of Syria or Algeria". Whoever helped Khomeini out of the Kuwaiti border impasse had to have been on good terms with both the French and Saddam Hussein.
26. December 12, Yazdi made a trip to the U.S. to promote Khomeini and his Islamic Republic. Yazdi met secretly with Henry Precht on an unofficial capacity. Precht was the Director of the Iran Desk at the State Department and one of the Bush team's main choke points in the Carter Administration. Later Precht and Yazdi appeared together for televised discussion of Iran. Yazdi assured the American public that Khomeini had not really called for a "torrent of blood", and that the "election would be absolutely free". The Islamic Republic "would enjoy full freedom of speech and the press, including the right to attack Islam.
27. December 28, Cottam visited Khomeini in Paris where he noted that U.S. citizen Dr. Yazdi was the "leading tactician in Khomeini's camp" and apparent "chief of staff". Khomeini was not interested in the Mullahs taking over the government. Also noted that "Khomeini's movement definitely plans to organize a political party to draw on Khomeini's charisma. Cottam thinks such a party would win all Majlis seats."
28. Leaving Paris, Cottam slipped into Teheran, arriving the first week in January 1979, to prepare Khomeini's triumphal return to Iran.
29. January 4, 1979, Carter's secret envoy, General Robert Huyser arrived in Iran. His mission was to prevent the "fall of the Shah". According to Huyser, Alexander Haig, ostensibly a strong Shah supporter-inexplicably, "took violent exception to the whole idea." Huyser recalled that "General Haig never gave me a full explanation of his strong objections." Huyser also revealed that Ambassador Sullivan "had also expressed objections." Two pro-Shah advocates opposed to the prevention of the Shah's fall.
30. On January 14, President Carter finally "authorized a meeting between Warren Zimmerman and Ibrahim Yazdi. On the same day, Khomeini, in an interview on CBS claimed, "a great part of the army was loyal to him" and that "he will be in effect the strong man of Iran."
31. On January 16, in an exact repeat of the 1953 CIA coup, Bush's covert team ushered the "eccentric and weak" Shah out of Iran.
32. On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini staged his own version of a "triumphal return" in the streets of Teheran.
33. Khomeini moved quickly to establish his authority. On February 5 he named Mehdi Bazargan, a devoted Muslim and anti-communist, interim Prime Minister. Yazdi and Abbas Amir Entezam became Bazargan's deputies, Dr. Sanjabi Foreign Minister, and General Qarani was named military Chief of Staff.
34. On February 11, 1979, in seemingly a bizarre twist, General Qarani asked the Shah's "eyes and ears" General Hossien Fardoust for recommendations to fill the new top posts in Iran's armed forces. Outside of the Chief of SAVAK, all the other recommendations were accepted. Shortly after, General Fardoust became head of SAVAMA, Khomeini's successor to SAVAK.
35. On February 14, 1979, two weeks after Khomeini's return to Iran, the U.S. Embassy in Teheran was seized by Khomeini supporters disguised as leftist guerrillas in an attempt to neutralize the left. U.S. hostages were seized, but to the chagrin of Khomeini's Fundamentalist, the Iranian coalition government restored order immediately. Ironically, in the same day in Kabul, Afghanistan, the U.S. Ambassador was also kidnapped by fanatic Islamic Fundamentalists disguised as leftist guerrillas and killed in the gunfight.
36. On February 14, soon after the order was restored at the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, Khomeini's aide Yazdi supplied the Embassy with a group of Iranians for compound security. Ambassador Sullivan installed armed, and trained this Swat squad lead by SAVAK/CIA agent Mashallah Kahsani, with whom Sullivan developed a close working relationship.
37. By August, pro-Bush CIA official George Cave was visiting Iran to provide intelligence briefings to Khomeini's aides, especially Yazdi and Entezam. These intelligence exchanges continued until October 31, the day Carter fired Bush and the 800 agents. Then with all the Iranian officials who had restored order in the first Embassy seizure eliminated, the stage was set for what happened four days later.
38. On November 4, 1979, the U.S. Embassy was taken again. Leading the charge was none other than Ambassador Sullivan's trusted Mashallah Kashani, the Embassy's once and former security chief.
With the evidence and documentation supplied by Mansoor, the alleged October Surprise would not have been necessary. President Carter was the target, in revenge for the Halloween Massacre, the night 800 CIA operatives and George Bush were fired by Carter. The man thrust, however, was to prevent a communist takover of Iran on the Shah's anticpated death."
Dave Emory
Anti-Fascist Archives #31:
The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part III-A
The Destabilization of President Carter
The manipulation of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-80, and the role of American political figures in effecting it; the failure of the 'Desert One' hostage rescue attempt of April 1980 and the apparent 'October Surprise' deal to delay the release of the hostages and assure Carter's reelection defeat.
iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/59033534?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
An Election Held Hostage - October Surprise Victims Press Conference, June 13th, 1991 from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Former National Security Advisor Prof. Gary Sick, Principal Presidential Assistant for Iran, (1975-1981)
and former hostages give one of the most important Press Conferences in Washington DC since 1963.
Is Alex Jones a Disinformation Agent ? from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"I've known of this man for years. Judging by his skyrocketing popularity, it has become plain this guys rise to fame has been funded by big government under direct orders of Rome. Truth is, Jones got his start on January 1, 2000. He used the Y2K crisis to catapult himself into the public eye. He did a broadcast when the date changed from 12/31/1999 to 01/01/00 and scared the daylights out of millions of people! He was telling bold faced lies about planes falling from the sky, Nuclear power plants melting down, riots and anarchy in major cites, ICBM's launching nukes, etc. NONE of it was true of course, but that launched his career. Imagine that!
He got his start by telling bold faced lies! Truth is, he is still lying to generate a following. His videos and webpages about FEMA coffins being stored for a government takeover have been debunked. (as you saw above) Still many people trust this guy. They do so simply because they don't know the real truth. Another amazing thing about Alex Jones' radio show is he allows anyone to call in that has information only based on rumors to be broadcasted as truth! When these people are asked for their names or sources they always refuse as if to protect themsleves. I personally caught Jones in a couple lies years ago wherein he predicted certain events by actual "dates" and when these days came and went without events occuring as he predcited, like many other false prophets online, he pulled the pages that predicted such events. Plus, when I posted questions on his website forum asking why certain things didn't occur as he predicted, my commente were erased.
Jones is being used by Rome just like the Jesuits were used when they came up with their false theories of a 7 year tribulation, Antichrist and the so called secret rapture to scare people back into the Catholic pews! Martin Luther's inspired work caused them much grief in Rome because the Word of God was shown to back up the Truth he preached about Rome! That truth moved many out of Rome. So they used lies to scare them back just like Jones and others do today.
By the way, there was a man that recorded all of Alex Jones' lies to tape back when he got his start during the so called "Y2K crisis." He used what he recorded to expose the man in such a way that angered Alex like never before. Is this why that man died in 2001? When Jesus returns those that killed him will be exposed before all mankind! So yes, we will all know soon enough. The man they killed was William Cooper."
Alex Jones Disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics Show from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
David Aaronovitch's Second Explanation is Actually the Correct One
He just neglects to mention that he (Aaronovitch) is also part of the cover-up and that cancer-causing viruses (aka oncoviruses, most notably SV-40) are known to have been found (although not deliberately put there) in vaccines such as the live Polio vaccine since at least 1956.
Andrew Neil Responds to Alex Jones Daily Politics Interview Criticisms from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Andrew Neill was the editor for the The Times and worked for Rupert Murdoch. For Years.
Rupert Murdoch's chosen 2012 presidential surrogate, Former Director of Central Inteliigenence, Former CENTCOM Commander Celebrity General David David Petreaus was in attendance for the second time this year, despite holding no Government position and having (on paper) no prospects.
How to Cope With Alex Jones from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Alex Jones: Zionist from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Dave Emory
Lecture Series #8 - The Destabilization of the Clinton Administration
iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/69385447?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> Jones:
No, no, your wrong - I know Ron Paul, I know his family, I've had dinner with 'em...!
Ron Paul is Good!!
Ron Paul is Good!!
Ron Paul is Good!!
Ron Paul is Good!!
Rachel Maddow Calls Out Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck as Agents of Destabilisation from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
de·sta·bi·lize (d-stb-lz)
tr.v. de·sta·bi·lized, de·sta·bi·liz·ing, de·sta·bi·liz·es
1. To upset the stability or smooth functioning of: a policy that threatens to destabilize the economy; a new weapon that threatens to destabilize nuclear deterrence.
2. To undermine the power of (a government or leader) by subversive or terrorist acts.
de·stabi·li·zation (-l-zshn) n.
1. destabilization - an event that causes a loss of equilibrium
(as of a ship or aircraft)
2. destabilization - the action of destabilizing; making something less stable
(especially of a government or country or economy)
NOTE: Maddow is not correct about all the things she implicitly mocks as nonsense.
The point of a destabilisation agency is not concerned with being correct or incorrect, factually;
When analysing the role of the messenger the goal is to critically intuit the intended message with following emphasis:
It does not matter whether the information is right or wrong - what are they trying to get you to think and how do they expect the information they present to make you feel?
Jones habitually draws conclusions and claims victory and vindication before all the evidence is in - not only does that leave his acolytes prey to falling victim to the Modified Limited Hangout artists it also ignores the fact that as a rule of thumb, you should always accustom yourself to the notion that your first impression and initial perception of any complex event, especially a political assassination or a false flag terror attack will almost always be mistaken - the Big Lie is built upon factoring in the complacency of the audience in jumping to conclusions and not examining the event more closely.
Likewise, Maddow's intent is the correct one, but her content is often faulty, the result of bad or inaccurate information.
Jon Ronson Outs Alex Jones As A Fraud from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"You're playing with fire here, Alex.... You really are..."
" The philosophical divide within the U.S. National Security establishment, especially the CIA, became quite serious in the aftermath of Watergate. To make matters worse, the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, his campaign promise to clean the "cowboy" elements out of the Central Intelligence Agency and his "human rights" policies alarmed the faction of the CIA loyal to George Bush. Bush was CIA director under Richard Nixon. Finally, the firing of CIA Director George Bush by Carter, and the subsequent "Halloween Massacre" in which Carter fired over 800 CIA covert operatives in 1977, angered the "cowboys" beyond all measure. That was Carter's October surprise, 800 firings on Halloween 1977.
Bush and his CIA coverts were well aware of the Shah's terminal cancer, unknown to President Carter. The team had an elaborate vested interest to protect. They were determined to keep Iran intact and communist-free and put George Bush in the White House.
Hence, the Islamic Fundamentalists were the only viable choice through which the Bush covert team could implement its own private foreign policy. The results: the birth of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the fall of President Carter, and the emergence of something called the "New World Order." Mansoor's documents show step-by-step events:
1. In 1974, the Shah of Iran was diagnosed with cancer.
2. In 1975, former CIA director, and the U.S. Ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms learned of the Shah's cancer through the Shah's closest confidant, General Hossein Fardoust. The Shah, Helms and Fardoust had been close personal friends since their school days together in Switzerland during the 1930s.
3. On November 4, 1976, concurrent with Jimmy Carter's election as President, CIA Director George Bush issued a secret memo to the U.S. Ambassador in Iran, Richard Helms, asking:
"Have there been any changes in the personality pattern of the Shah; what are their implication pattern for political behavior? Identification of top military officers that most likely play key roles in any transference of power if the Shah were killed...who will be the leading actors? How will the Shah's pet projects, including the economic development program, be effected by his departure?"
4. By July 1977, anticipating trouble ahead, the Bush covert team issued preliminary script for the transition of power in Iran. According to John D. Stemple, a CIA analyst and Deputy Chief Political officer of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, "A ten page analysis of the opposition written by the embassy's political section in July 1977 correctly identified Bakhiar, Bazargan, Khomeini and Behesti as major actors in the drama that begin unfolding a year later."
5. Contrary to this analysis, in August 1977, the "official wing" of the CIA fed President Carter a 60-page Study on Iran which concluded:
"The Shah will be an active participant in Iranian life well into the 1980s...and there will be no radical changes in Iranian political behavior in the near future."
6. On October 31, 1977, president Carter made good on his campaign promise to clean the "cowboys" out of the CIA. He fired over 800 covert operatives from the Agency, many of whom were loyal to George Bush. Carter's presidency split the CIA. It produced in them, among whom were "many well-trained in political warfare, a concerted will for revenge." By the end of the 1970s many of these special covert operatives had allied themselves with George Bush's candidacy, and later with Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign.
7. On November 15, the Shah of Iran visited Washington, D.C. Carter toasted his guest, "If ever there was a country which has blossomed forth under enlightened leadership, it would be the ancient empire of Persia."
8. On November 23, Ayatollah Khomeini's elder son, Haji Mustafa, died mysteriously in Najaf, Iraq. According to professor Hamid Algar, he was "assassinated by the Shah's U.S.-instituted security police SAVAK...the tragedy inflamed the public in Iran." Ayatollah Khomeini placed an advertisement in the French Newspaper Le Monde which read: "thanking people for condolences that had been sent of the murder of his son". He also "appealed to the army to liberate Iran, and to the intellectuals and all good Muslims to continue their criticism of the Shah".
9. December 31, 1977, Carter visited the Shah in Iran. He toasted the Shah for maintaining Iran as "an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world." Ironically, that so-called stability evaporated before the champagne lost its fizz.
10. On January 7, 1978, an insidious article entitled Iran and the Red and Black Colonialism, appeared in the Iranian daily newspaper Ettela'at. It castigated the exiled Khomeini, and produced a massive protest riot in the Holy City of Qum the next day. The clergy had little choice but to rally to Khomeini's defense. The Qum incident shifted many of the clergy from a position of support for the Shah's monarchy to an active opposition. That "dirty trick" perpetuated by General Fardoust was the trigger that sparked Islamic movement participating in the anti-Shah democratic Revolution. John D. Stempel, characterized Fardoust's importance to the Alliance: "it is hard to over estimated the value of having a mole in the inner circle of the Shah."
11. On February 3, a confidential communiqué from the U.S. Embassy clearly reflected the vision of the Alliance: "Though based on incomplete evidence, our best assessment to date is that the Shia Islamic movement dominated by Ayatollah Khomeini is far better organized, enlighten and able to resist Communism than its detractors would lead us to believe. It is rooted in the Iranian people more than any western ideology, including Communism."
12. April 1978, Le Monde "identified Khomeini's Liberation Movement of Iran as the most significant force in the opposition followed by the Shi'ite Islam joins the reformist of progressive critics of the Shah on the same ground. In fact, this analysis was contrary to what Mohaammad Tavassoli, leader of the Liberation Movement of Iran, expressed to John D. Stempel on August 21, 1978: "The nationalist movement in Iran lacks a popular base. The choice is between Islam and Communism...close ties between the Liberation Movement of Iran and the religious movement was necessary. Iran was becoming split by Marxist and the religious."
13. On April 26, the confidential minutes of the U. S. Embassy Country team meeting welcomed Bush, Reagan and Thatcher.
14. On May 6, Le Monde became the first western newspaper to interview Khomeini in Najaf, Iraq. Khomeini acknowledged his compatibility with the strategic imperatives of the Bush covert team, "we would not collaborate with the Marxists, even to the overthrow of the Shah."
15. The same month, Khomeini's old ally from the failed 1963 coup (that resulted in Khomeini's arrest and major uprising in June 1963 and his subsequent exile to Iraq) General Valliollah Qarani sent his emissary to meet Khomeini in Najaf. Qarani had been a major CIA asset in Iran since the 1953 coup. Seeing another chance to gain power for himself, he advised Khomeini, according to former Iranian President Abol Hassan Bani-sader:
"if you settle for the Shah's departure and don't use anti-American rhetoric, Americans are ready to take him out."
16. In August, the Bush team sent its own point man to meet the exiled Ayatollah in Najaf. Professor Richard Cottam carried excellent credentials. During the 1953 coup, he had been in charge of the CIA's Iran Desk, also, he had been in close contact with Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi in the U.S. since 1975. Curiously, he admitted to Bani-sadr in 1987, that he had not been working for the Carter Administration. Cottam's visit must have had an impact, because Iran suddenly began to experience a series of mysterious catastrophes:
In Aberdeen, Fundamentalist supporters burned down a theater killing the innocent occupants, blaming it on the SAVAK and the Shah.
There were riots in Isfahan that resulted in martial law.
On August 27, one of Khomeini's rivals among the Shia Islamic faithful outside of Iran, Ayatollah Mosa Sadr mysteriously disppeared. According to an intelligence source he was killed and buried in Libya.
17. By late August, the Shah was totally confused. U.S. Ambassador Sullivan recorded the Shah's pleadings over the outbreak of violence:
"he said the pattern was widespread and that it was like an outbreak of a sudden rash in the country...it gave evidence of sophisticated planning and was not the work of spontaneous oppositionists...the Shah presented that it was the work of foreign intrigue...this intrigue went beyond the capabilities of the Soviet KGB and must, therefore, also involve British and American CIA. The Shah went on to ask 'Why was the CIA suddenly turning against him? What had he done to deserve this sort of action from the United States?"
18. September 8, the Shah's army gunned down hundreds of demonstrators in Teheran in what became known as the "Jaleh Square Massacre".
19. On September 9, President Carter phoned the Shah to confirm his support for the Shah, a fact that enraged the Iranian population.
20. A few days later, Carter's National Security aide, Gary Sick, received a call from Richard Cottam, requesting a discrete meeting between him and Khomeini's representative in the U.S., Dr. Yazdi. Sick refused.
21. Khomeini for the first time, publicly called for the Shah's overthrow.
22. In Mid-September, at the height of the revolution, "one of the handful of Khomeini's trusted associates", Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Beheshti, secretly visited the United States among others, he also meet with Yazdi in Texas. Beheshti was an advocate of the eye-for-an-eye school of justice.
23. In early October 1978, the agent for the Bush covert team arranged to force Khomeini out of Iraq.
24. October 3, 1978, Yazdi picked up Khomeini in Iraq and headed for Kuwait. According to Gary Sick, he received an urgent call from Richard Cottam, learning for the first time that Khomeini had been forced out of Iraq. Sick was told that Khomeini and his entourage were stuck in no man's land while attempting to cross the border. Cottam was requesting White House intervention to resolve the issue. Sick respond, "there is nothing we could do".
25. October 6, Khomeini's entourage, having gotten back through Baghdad, popped up in Paris. According to Bani-sadr, "it was Khomeini who insisted on going to Paris instead of Syria or Algeria". Whoever helped Khomeini out of the Kuwaiti border impasse had to have been on good terms with both the French and Saddam Hussein.
26. December 12, Yazdi made a trip to the U.S. to promote Khomeini and his Islamic Republic. Yazdi met secretly with Henry Precht on an unofficial capacity. Precht was the Director of the Iran Desk at the State Department and one of the Bush team's main choke points in the Carter Administration. Later Precht and Yazdi appeared together for televised discussion of Iran. Yazdi assured the American public that Khomeini had not really called for a "torrent of blood", and that the "election would be absolutely free". The Islamic Republic "would enjoy full freedom of speech and the press, including the right to attack Islam.
27. December 28, Cottam visited Khomeini in Paris where he noted that U.S. citizen Dr. Yazdi was the "leading tactician in Khomeini's camp" and apparent "chief of staff". Khomeini was not interested in the Mullahs taking over the government. Also noted that "Khomeini's movement definitely plans to organize a political party to draw on Khomeini's charisma. Cottam thinks such a party would win all Majlis seats."
28. Leaving Paris, Cottam slipped into Teheran, arriving the first week in January 1979, to prepare Khomeini's triumphal return to Iran.
29. January 4, 1979, Carter's secret envoy, General Robert Huyser arrived in Iran. His mission was to prevent the "fall of the Shah". According to Huyser, Alexander Haig, ostensibly a strong Shah supporter-inexplicably, "took violent exception to the whole idea." Huyser recalled that "General Haig never gave me a full explanation of his strong objections." Huyser also revealed that Ambassador Sullivan "had also expressed objections." Two pro-Shah advocates opposed to the prevention of the Shah's fall.
30. On January 14, President Carter finally "authorized a meeting between Warren Zimmerman and Ibrahim Yazdi. On the same day, Khomeini, in an interview on CBS claimed, "a great part of the army was loyal to him" and that "he will be in effect the strong man of Iran."
31. On January 16, in an exact repeat of the 1953 CIA coup, Bush's covert team ushered the "eccentric and weak" Shah out of Iran.
32. On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini staged his own version of a "triumphal return" in the streets of Teheran.
33. Khomeini moved quickly to establish his authority. On February 5 he named Mehdi Bazargan, a devoted Muslim and anti-communist, interim Prime Minister. Yazdi and Abbas Amir Entezam became Bazargan's deputies, Dr. Sanjabi Foreign Minister, and General Qarani was named military Chief of Staff.
34. On February 11, 1979, in seemingly a bizarre twist, General Qarani asked the Shah's "eyes and ears" General Hossien Fardoust for recommendations to fill the new top posts in Iran's armed forces. Outside of the Chief of SAVAK, all the other recommendations were accepted. Shortly after, General Fardoust became head of SAVAMA, Khomeini's successor to SAVAK.
35. On February 14, 1979, two weeks after Khomeini's return to Iran, the U.S. Embassy in Teheran was seized by Khomeini supporters disguised as leftist guerrillas in an attempt to neutralize the left. U.S. hostages were seized, but to the chagrin of Khomeini's Fundamentalist, the Iranian coalition government restored order immediately. Ironically, in the same day in Kabul, Afghanistan, the U.S. Ambassador was also kidnapped by fanatic Islamic Fundamentalists disguised as leftist guerrillas and killed in the gunfight.
36. On February 14, soon after the order was restored at the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, Khomeini's aide Yazdi supplied the Embassy with a group of Iranians for compound security. Ambassador Sullivan installed armed, and trained this Swat squad lead by SAVAK/CIA agent Mashallah Kahsani, with whom Sullivan developed a close working relationship.
37. By August, pro-Bush CIA official George Cave was visiting Iran to provide intelligence briefings to Khomeini's aides, especially Yazdi and Entezam. These intelligence exchanges continued until October 31, the day Carter fired Bush and the 800 agents. Then with all the Iranian officials who had restored order in the first Embassy seizure eliminated, the stage was set for what happened four days later.
38. On November 4, 1979, the U.S. Embassy was taken again. Leading the charge was none other than Ambassador Sullivan's trusted Mashallah Kashani, the Embassy's once and former security chief.
With the evidence and documentation supplied by Mansoor, the alleged October Surprise would not have been necessary. President Carter was the target, in revenge for the Halloween Massacre, the night 800 CIA operatives and George Bush were fired by Carter. The man thrust, however, was to prevent a communist takover of Iran on the Shah's anticpated death."
Dave Emory
Anti-Fascist Archives #31:
The Iran-Contragate Scandal, Part III-A
The Destabilization of President Carter
The manipulation of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-80, and the role of American political figures in effecting it; the failure of the 'Desert One' hostage rescue attempt of April 1980 and the apparent 'October Surprise' deal to delay the release of the hostages and assure Carter's reelection defeat.
iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/59033534?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
An Election Held Hostage - October Surprise Victims Press Conference, June 13th, 1991 from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Former National Security Advisor Prof. Gary Sick, Principal Presidential Assistant for Iran, (1975-1981)
and former hostages give one of the most important Press Conferences in Washington DC since 1963.
Is Alex Jones a Disinformation Agent ? from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"I've known of this man for years. Judging by his skyrocketing popularity, it has become plain this guys rise to fame has been funded by big government under direct orders of Rome. Truth is, Jones got his start on January 1, 2000. He used the Y2K crisis to catapult himself into the public eye. He did a broadcast when the date changed from 12/31/1999 to 01/01/00 and scared the daylights out of millions of people! He was telling bold faced lies about planes falling from the sky, Nuclear power plants melting down, riots and anarchy in major cites, ICBM's launching nukes, etc. NONE of it was true of course, but that launched his career. Imagine that!
He got his start by telling bold faced lies! Truth is, he is still lying to generate a following. His videos and webpages about FEMA coffins being stored for a government takeover have been debunked. (as you saw above) Still many people trust this guy. They do so simply because they don't know the real truth. Another amazing thing about Alex Jones' radio show is he allows anyone to call in that has information only based on rumors to be broadcasted as truth! When these people are asked for their names or sources they always refuse as if to protect themsleves. I personally caught Jones in a couple lies years ago wherein he predicted certain events by actual "dates" and when these days came and went without events occuring as he predcited, like many other false prophets online, he pulled the pages that predicted such events. Plus, when I posted questions on his website forum asking why certain things didn't occur as he predicted, my commente were erased.
Jones is being used by Rome just like the Jesuits were used when they came up with their false theories of a 7 year tribulation, Antichrist and the so called secret rapture to scare people back into the Catholic pews! Martin Luther's inspired work caused them much grief in Rome because the Word of God was shown to back up the Truth he preached about Rome! That truth moved many out of Rome. So they used lies to scare them back just like Jones and others do today.
By the way, there was a man that recorded all of Alex Jones' lies to tape back when he got his start during the so called "Y2K crisis." He used what he recorded to expose the man in such a way that angered Alex like never before. Is this why that man died in 2001? When Jesus returns those that killed him will be exposed before all mankind! So yes, we will all know soon enough. The man they killed was William Cooper."
Alex Jones Disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics Show from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
David Aaronovitch's Second Explanation is Actually the Correct One
He just neglects to mention that he (Aaronovitch) is also part of the cover-up and that cancer-causing viruses (aka oncoviruses, most notably SV-40) are known to have been found (although not deliberately put there) in vaccines such as the live Polio vaccine since at least 1956.
Andrew Neil Responds to Alex Jones Daily Politics Interview Criticisms from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Andrew Neill was the editor for the The Times and worked for Rupert Murdoch. For Years.
Rupert Murdoch's chosen 2012 presidential surrogate, Former Director of Central Inteliigenence, Former CENTCOM Commander Celebrity General David David Petreaus was in attendance for the second time this year, despite holding no Government position and having (on paper) no prospects.
How to Cope With Alex Jones from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Alex Jones: Zionist from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Dave Emory
Lecture Series #8 - The Destabilization of the Clinton Administration
Analyzing the Clinton administration's troubles from the standpoint of covert action, Mr. Emory spoke about the Bush faction of the intelligence community's probable role in precipitating the scandals besetting the President. Noting that Clinton defeated George Bush (former director of the CIA and, according to one school thought, the real "power behind the throne" during the Reagan administrations), Mr. Emory discusses a number of evidentiary tributaries connecting Clinton's misfortunes with the world of "black-ops."
In particular, many intelligence-connected elements in the Clinton scandals overlap the Iran-Contra and Iraqgate scandals. Shortly after George Bush was subpoenaed to testify in the trial of Chrisopher Drogoul (the central figure in the BNL/Iraqgate affair), Vince Foster was found dead. (Mr. Emory is skeptical of the "suicide" verdict in Foster's death, but considers it probable that, if Foster was murdered, the Bush faction was the most probable author of the crime. Foster's death may have been a signal to Clinton. Mr. Emory believes allegations that Bill Clinton was the author of the deaths of Vince Foster and others of his associates, to be preposterous.)
The last person to see Vince Foster alive was Linda Tripp, who served him lunch. (A blonde, female hair was found on Foster's body. Right-wing conspiracy theorists have posited that it was Hillary Clinton's. Few have considered the possibility that it may have belonged to Tripp.) A Bush administration appointee, Tripp (who, with the aid of Lucy Goldberg, precipitated the Lewinsky imbroglio) had a high security clearance, having worked for the Army's Secret Intelligence Command at Fort Meade and for the Delta Force at Fort Bragg, N.C. (Note that the Delta Force functions in a counter-terrorist capacity. "Counter-terrorism" is the rubric under which the Bush private intelligence networks operated.)
One of the central elements of discussion involves the Bush administration officials' decisive presence on-site in Waco. Associated with an inter-agency network administered by then Vice-President (and former CIA director) George Bush, these officials were from the Justice Department and FBI. Having chaired the Vice-President's Task Force on Counter-Terrorism, Bush oversaw and implemented recommendations issueing from the Task Force. In a series of National Security Decision Directives, Bush was given command of what authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons describe as "His (Bush's) own private spy agency," and "a White House within the White House."
Ostensibly created to provide a rapid, prophylactic response to "international terrorism," these networks became the primary vehicle for the realization of the ill-fated, illegal, and treasonous Iran-Contra and Iraqgate schemes. Far from being "out of the loop," as he claimed, George Bush was the primary player in both affairs. His "private spy agency" was the most significant element in their administration. Mr. Emory sets forth the participation in the Waco affair of Justice Department officials, who had previously been involved in retarding investigations into criminal operations that were part of the Iran-Contra and BNL (Iraqgate) affairs. Allegedly involved with the Branch Davidian siege was Mark Richard, a long-time Justice Department official whose career has involved overseeing investigations into the intelligence community. Mr. Emory analyzes Richard's involvement with frustrating the investigation into some of the drug-related, Iran-Contra shennanigans, as well as the BNL affair. (The arming of Iraq and Hussein's resulting military power were accomplished, in considerable measure, through an illegal covert operation centered on the Atlanta branch of the BNL, a major Italian commercial bank.) Working with Richard in diverting the BNL investigation, was Ed Dennis, who wrote the final report on the Branch Davidian siege and exonerated the Justice Department of any wrongdoing in the affair. Janet Reno concluded an investigation into BNL that,in turn exonerated the Reagan and Bush administrations of criminal wrongdoing in that affair. Conservative New York Times columnist William Safire referred to this as "one hand whitewashing the other."
The discussion also highlights former FBI official Jack Revell, and other Bureau pesonnel, and their involvment in the Iran-Contra cover-up. Revell was the chief spokesperson for the Branch Davidian operation. Veteran Washington reporter Sarah MacClendon has reported that Justice Department official Richard Scruggs overlaps the Waco and Iraqgate affairs. The possibility that the Waco operation may have been deliberately conducted, in order to discredit and de-stabilize the Clinton administration and to help obfuscate the Iraqgate affair, is not one that should be too readily cast aside.
The lecture briefly examines the martial law contingency plans which, like the Iran-Contra and Iraqgate affairs, had their genesis with the recommendations stemming from the Vice-President's Task Force. These plans called for the deputization of para-military right-wingers as federal agents, in the event of the declaration of martial law. Mr. Emory notes that the Waco incident has served to help coalesce the militia movement, creating the very para-military formations that could be utilized in a fascist takeover. Another central element of discussion focuses on a possible link between then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the Republican Party, and a right-wing element of the Mossad (the Israeli Secret Service.) Mr. Emory notes that Lewinsky counsel Ginsburg's stated that Lewinsky's support for the President was reinforced by Clinton's support for Israel. The discussion underscores that, after Gingrich traveled to Israel to undermine American support for the peace process and Hillary repeated her support for a Palestinian state, Lewinsky switched counsel, employing lawyers involved with the defense of people in the Iran-Contra affair. Mr. Emory hypothesized that Lewinsky may have been used (perhaps without her knowledge) as a pawn by a right-wing element of the Mossad, as well as the Republicans.
Bolstering Mr. Emory's working hypothesis about the possible Gingrich/Lewinsky/Mossad link, a 1999 book recounted an allegation that the Mossad (the Israeli intelligence service) had used wiretaps of the Lewinsky/Clinton conversations to blackmail the United States. After allegedly tapping the White House phone, the Mossad allegedly used damaging information concerning the Clinton-Lewinsky affair to deter an alleged counter-intelligence investigation of "MEGA," an Israeli spy deep inside the White House. This charge was made in Gideon's Spies, by Gordon Thomas. The book indicates (among other things) that Benjamin Netanyahu, was close to being indicted for incitement in connection with the assassination of his predecessor, Yitzhak Rabin.
Lecture Highlights Include: Bill Clinton's connections to the Mena, Arkansas operations of Iran-Contra operative Barry Seal (these are seen by some analysts as compromising Clinton, even before he took office); Newt Gingrich's use of the operating paradigm of the Wehrmacht as his functional political model; Lucy Goldberg's role as a political spy in the McGovern campaign; Goldberg's role as Mark Fuhrman's literary agent; the link between the shooting outside of CIA headquarters and the Iraqgate cover-up; connections between the Afghan covert operation of the 1980's and Sheik Rakhman (convicted in the World Trade Center Bombing); an evidentiary tributary connecting the World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing; the suspicious deaths of numerous figures associated with Clinton (as with Foster's death, Mr. Emory feels that, if any or all of these deaths were unnatural, that they were intended to weaken Clinton.) (Delivered in October of 1998.)
NSA analyst Russell Tice - "I Personally Spied on Obama, Petreaus, House & Senate Leadership & the Entire Supreme Court" from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
And Colin Powell.
Who was scheduled to be in Columbia on the day of 9/11, since he was believed to have been perceived as "a potential wobbler".
This is J.Edgar Hoover's wet dream.
On the plus side, at least we now know Obama must be absolutely and completely spotless clean - no skeletons, HIV, dead hookers or gay bath houses lurking in his closet,,,,
Sorry, Jesse. Nice try.
Bush's Response to NSA Warrentless Wiretapping Discloure from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy ("warrantless wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection of foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the War of Terror.
Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the "terrorist surveillance program", part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity (Web, e-mail, etc.), text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S.
Critics, however, claimed that that the program was in an effort to attempt to silence critics of the "W" Bush Administration and their handling of several hot button issues during its tenure. Under public pressure, the Bush administration ceased the warrantless wiretapping program in January 2007 and returned review of surveillance to the FISA court.
Subsequently, in 2008 Congress passed the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which relaxed some of the original FISA court requirements.
During the Obama Administration, the NSA has officially continued operating under the new FISA guidelines.
However, in April 2009 officials at the United States Department of Justice acknowledged that the NSA had engaged in "overcollection" of domestic communications in excess of the FISA court's authority, but claimed that the acts were unintentional and had since been rectified
NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Alleges NSA Wiretapped Barack Obama as Senate Candidate from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
“We Don’t Want a Word on Your Allegations Pertaining to NSA Wiretapping of Obama, Judges & Activists”
Today MSNBC aired an interview with Mr. Tice disclosing “some” of his revelations, thanks to the vigilant activists who tirelessly shared and disseminated Mr. Tice’s revelations and interview audio. Interestingly, at the last minute, MSNBC told Mr. Tice that they would NOT include his revelations on NSA’s targeting of Obama, elected officials, attorneys, judges and activists. Basically, they censored his entire testimony on these stunning allegations! In a correspondence with Boiling Frogs Post immediately following his censored interview with MSNBC Mr. Tice stated:
“When they were placing the ear-phone in my ear with less than ten minutes left till my air time, the producer in New York said that their lawyers were discussing the material, and at this time, they did not want me to mention anything about the NSA wiretaps against all the people and organizations that I mentioned. That is how it went down. I did say on the air that I know it is much worse and would like to talk about that some time.”
If efforts geared towards destabilisation fail to yield the desired results in terms of changes in behaviour, the ultimate sanction will remain available as a last resort:
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