9/11 - The Frauduent Naudet Brothers "Documentary" - FDNY Complicity in 9/11 from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
"I know it was you, Fredo - and it breaks my heart..."
"I wasn't their intention to make a documentary about 9/11...."
No. It really wasn't.
The Brothers Naudet are reputed assets of the Israeli Mossad.
Jules Naudet wasn't directing a movie - he was directing the rescue effort.
As first responders, 3-5 mins after the first planestrike, they set up the command centre in the lobby;
Any firefighters and rescue teams from out of the precinct rushing to help would arrive to find a command centre, and report to a man they didnt know wearing the uniform of a New York Fire Dept. Fire Chief, who tells them where to stand and what stairs to climb, and when to evacuate.
Some Things That Should Have Been in the Ground Zero Debris Pile
(That Weren't):
7000 fixtures, fittinngs and urinals
75,000 phones (plus cabling)
3000 victims cellphones.
45,000 desks
45,000 chairs
245 acres of carpeting
40,000 file cabinets
40,000 cubicles
50,000 staplers
25 miles of wiring
300 mainframe computers
45,000 computer monitors
45,000 keyboards
45,000 mice
650 fire extinguishers
3000 copy machines
2000 water coolers
3000 printers
20,000 doors
40,000 doorknobs
450 refrigerators
5000 vending machines
3000 wallets and purses
3000 employee IDs
347 Fireman's coats
694 Fireman's boots
347 Firemen.
What was found in the Ground Zero debris pile
And Willie Rodruigez is a liar...
The Hollow Towers: WTC Mythbusting - Everybody Hated it, it was Chock-full of Asbestos and Nearly Always Empty from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
And they never finished building it prior to 1974 - they ran out of money and couldn't even fill one tower.
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