"But they did look fucking fantastic...!!"
"Hugo Boss... It's fair enough... He might not have known...!"
"Shortly afterwards, Brand was kicked out by the magazine’s editor, Dylan Jones. According to the comedian’s Twitter feed, the two men exchanged angry words, with Jones saying,
‘What you did was very offensive to Hugo Boss.’
Brand replied, ‘What Hugo Boss did was very offensive to the Jews.’
"We have to have been the only band in history to get kicked out of our own album launch party... Kurt Cobain
12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
He's a good Wizard, ah telt thee...
Good Lord - what just happened?!!
I feel as if I've just been groped by a nun in a lift...!
Look what he's done to Zbigniew Brezinski's daughter...!!!
Mika Brzezinski Responds To Russell Brand Interview: "I've Never Gotten More Vitriol And Anger And Hatred..." from Spike1138 on Vimeo.
Mika, I'm certain that isn't true....
"We cannot guarantee your safety"
"I'm sure that had nothing to do with US....!"
Okay, that's in NO way suspicious....
Watch for the Jedi Mind Trick: "This isn't the Tweenie Bopper Bride you're looking for...."
It appears that Russel Brand may be a Wizard.
Strict Religious Background = CHECK
Over-Churched = CHECK
No awareness of who "The Real Katy Perry" is = CHECK
Despite the intuitive connection between the Handler and a King or Monarch, the Monarch in this context refers to Monarch Butterflies, not to a Monarchical form of government.
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain's trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master ("Handler" in Monarch parlance).
Despite the intuitive connection between the Handler and a King or Monarch, the Monarch in this context refers to Monarch Butterflies, not to a Monarchical form of government.
The Monarch Mind Control designation was originally applied by the US Department of Defense to a sub-program under the CIA's MK-Ultra Program. However, the techniques employed in the Monarch programming system extend back further under various names, such as the Nazi marionette programming.
Even further back, the techniques used in Monarch programming can be traced to various generational Satanist families among European royalty. The MPD state created by the Monarch programming techniques were used to isolate the personality involved in Satanic rituals from a public face. Without this alternate personality, the nobles practicing Satanism inevitably went insane, so it's practice spread rapidly through the occult community.
It is unclear who first started practicing the MPD techniques as a way of creating mind control slaves rather than as a defense mechanism, but it is clear that the Nazis were using Electro-shock and binding to create slaves in the 1940s. After World War II, some German and Italian psychologists who were working on Marionette programming were brought to the United States to continue working on their research.
After the original development of the Monarch program inside of MK-Ultra, it has been adopted by other groups such as the Illuminati and the American entertainment industry. Very notably, since the 1970's the Disney corporation has been involved heavily in Monarch programming, and several of their films (especially Alice in Wonderland) are used as a base for Monarch programming.
Monarch programming is achieved through repeated abuse and torture, until the victim dissociates from reality into a fantasy world in their head. When that happens somehow an alternate personality is created, and the handler (abuser) can trigger this personality at any time.
Beta programming is sex kitten programming, used to create "ultimate prostitutes" as well as celebrities used to sell sex in the media to the masses. Making it look cool and awesome to be sexually abused and over used. They are made to be devoid of all sexual inhibitions.
Delta programming is used to program soldiers and patsys to carry out ritualistic murders.
Monarch programming is applied when a drone is needed to carry out commands which are of a morally questionable nature. Monarch victims are used for assassinations and murders which must be carried out for political purposes. It is used heavily within the entertainment industry to create easily manipulated music stars. One variation of the process, known as "Kitten" or "Sex Kitten" programming is used to create willing sexual body slaves.
"That's Dad....??!"
The CIA's Monarch Programming takes its name from the Monarch butterfly. "They begin as worms (underdeveloped and new) and after the cocoon stage (programming) it is transformed into a completely different creature—a high-flying butterfly (aka the Monarch slave). Also, when someone is given electroshock therapy, a feeling of light-headedness occurs and the person feels like they are floating, like a butterfly."
A crash history course in the origins and practices of the present Psy-War.
Col. Oliver North:
Counsel, I don't believe that any one who served in Vietnam, who saw what happened as a consequence of our efforts, when in my opinion we won all the battles and then lost the war, could ever be unaffected by that unless they were totally insensitive. And I would also point out that we didn't lose the war in Vietnam, we lost the war right here in this city.
"What North was saying there was that America's real enemies are inside this country. And that would explain why North spent so many years under Bush's auspices preparing contingency plans for rounding up large numbers of dissenters if we ever went into another war.
"Now, you'd have thought that the Committee would have been outraged by North's sort of declaration of war with a large segment of the American people, but instead of their disagreeing with him, most of them actually agreed with him."
These are Nazi Haribos.
That money goes to the Boorman Organisation.
Germany is the only major nation within the European Union to outlaw artificial flavourings, colours and sweeteners in it's children's sweets and use only natural fruit juices and extracts (high in Vitamins.)
Other European Nations get E-Numbers.
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